THANK YOU for considering us for a donation!
Wendi consistently helped others in need in a multitude of ways. As we carry Wendi’s legacy forward, we ask for your help by donating to our Foundation. 100% of donations to Fidelity Charitable go directly to a non-profit 501(c)(3) involved in mentoring.
Click the Donate button below to donate online.
Mail the donation to Fidelity Charitable - Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund for The Wendi Atwood Rogers Foundation, P.O.Box 770001, Cincinnati, OH 45277-0053.
Mail the contribution to us directly - The Wendi Atwood Rogers Foundation, 6009 W. Parker Road #149-802, Plano, Texas 75093.
Every donor contributing over $25.00 will receive a free mousepad! Thank you for supporting us.