We need your help in 2024!
BIG NEWS! The Wendi Atwood Rogers Foundation is honored to have been selected as the 2024 Focus Charity by the Dallas Area Paralegal Association.
In 2024, we will be working to help four of our non-profit partners by collecting needed items, donations and seeking volunteers. You can help too! Make 2024 a great year, just one small gesture can help out at-risk youth, under-served children and families in need or even help someone who is struggling to get their career off the ground. Check out our current partners and how you can help. CONNECTED WE CREATE CHANGE. #nonprofit #501c3 #dallas #withwendishelp #connectedwecreatechange #dallasareaparalegalassociation #DAPA #giveback #donatenow
For 2024, we are collecting donations in gift cards and items for homeless teens to make them feel at home in a transitional situation including linens, comforters, snack foods, hygiene and clothing items. For under-served children in rural areas, we are collecting hygiene kits and gifts cards to Academy to help these kids participate in sports and cheer. For first-generation high school and college students, we are collecting gifts to help them with studies and preparing for dorm life, like school supplies, laundry supplies, snacks and more. If you have any ideas or want to help out, please contact us at info@withwendi.org. We are always happy to hear from you.
Tom Bean Youth Sports Association
Tom Bean Middle School